Sunday, March 1, 2015

NJGOP Wants Your Views On Top Issues!

Here is a special message from the New Jersey State republican Committee:

Last week, Governor Chris Christie presented his FY2016 budget to lawmakers in Trenton; outlining initiatives and proposals for reforms that will keep New Jersey moving in the right direction. Yet as the Governor made clear in his budget address on Tuesday, New Jersey's pension and benefits system continues to be the greatest obstacle to our future success and fiscal stability.

Now that the Governor has put forth responsible solutions to permanently resolve our pension problem, we want to get your feedback and hear your ideas for keeping our state on the right track.

Governor Christie and all of our Republican leaders in the Legislature are committed to finishing the job they started five years ago. Your support and input is critical to ensuring they can continue to confront our challenges head on and address the issues most important to the people of our state.

Please click here now and take a few minutes to take our NJGOP Survey and tell us your ideas for strengthening New Jersey in 2015. As the backbone of our Republican party in New Jersey, your opinion is incredibly valuable to us.

This is an important opportunity to not only share your input, but to also call for action from lawmakers in Trenton. We look forward to hearing your ideas as we work together to keep New Jersey on the right path. 

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