Monday, March 2, 2015

Support Catholic Archbishop In Defense Of Values!

Here is a very special message from

"Hired goon."

That's what the San Francisco press call Sam Singer.

And now his sights are set on Archbishop Cordileone.

The Catholic News Agency ran an exposé on this high-powered PR man:

"Sam Singer’s public relations firm spun a Chevron oil refinery disaster in California and fought back a legal ruling in Ecuador that could have awarded billions of dollars to indigenous people for the company’s alleged pollution damage to the Amazon."

Now he's taking to social media saying that "a revolution is brewing in S.F. Catholic Church against Archbishop Cordileone morality clauses." He's even praying that "the Pope will remove the San Francisco Archbishop."

Who hired this corporate flak to set his sights on a Catholic archbishop?

Even reporters are surprised. SF Weekly asked him "how a ragtag bunch of teachers could afford Singer's services." Singer said "concerned parents."

The newspaper went on to say:

"Soon, Singer will steer the archbishop's already unpopular anti-LGBT slam into a Singer-defined narrative. Right or wrong, Cordileone probably doesn't have a prayer."

Did you catch that snide remark? Singer's already got the media doing his work!

But they're wrong.

Archbishop Cordileone does have a prayer. He has the prayers of thousands of Catholics in California and all across the country -- including over 27,000 on our open letter of support.

He is facing a relentless campaign against him every single day. That's why I'm making a point to pray for him by name every day this week.

And that's why I'm asking you once more to pray for Archbishop Cordileone.

Please ask your friends and family to do the same. Send them this message so they know what's really going on.

Let's show solidarity with courageous Cordileone.

Tell everyone you know to sign our letter of support and prayer today!

P.S. Are you as shocked as I am over this entire episode? A Catholic Archbishop asks that teachers in diocesan schools uphold Catholic teaching and people go crazy! The response by teachers and their supporters is proof that Archbishop Cordileone is exactly right in demanding these reforms.

Since when does a group of Catholic school parents hire a multi-millionaire PR guru to trash their Archbishop?

I hope you will join me in prayer this week, and make sure to sign our letter of support.

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