Monday, March 9, 2015

Two Key GOP Jobs Bills Pass NJ Senate

Two bills in the Senate Republican’s new jobs package were passed today by Senate committees. The Budget and Appropriations Committee passed Senator Beck’s S-2709 to create the “New Jersey Business Advisory Council” comprised of volunteer business representatives from throughout the state and various economic sectors to offer solutions to help improve New Jersey’s competitiveness and job climate.

“The diverse Business Advisory Council will provide unique insights about New Jersey’s business climate and what employers need to locate, grow and expand here,” said Beck (R-Monmouth). “This legislation along with other bills in our new jobs package will provide state leaders with a complete picture and the answers necessary to correct the actual root causes of job loss and, in turn, make New Jersey more attractive to job creators who will hire more people in our top-notch workforce.”

S-2709 advances to the full Senate for consideration.

The Commerce Committee advanced Senator Beck’s S-2666 to create the “Clinical Trials Working Group” that would meet for six months and issue a report identifying ways for the pharmaceutical industry to conduct appropriate clinical trials in New Jersey.

“Historically, New Jersey’s robust pharmaceutical industry has been forced to spend valuable time and resources that could have been used to grow jobs here looking outside of this state to find appropriate clinical trials for drugs and medications that they ultimately don’t develop and test here,” Beck said. “Clinical trials should be a regular part of business in New Jersey. This legislation creates a diverse and collaborative professional working group to recommend within six months how the state, universities and colleges can partner with the private-sector to facilitate trials, add jobs and grow that vital sector of New Jersey’s economy.”

S-2709 and S-2666 are part of the Senate Republican’s new six-phase jobs bill package, which will not cost taxpayers extra money and is quickly garnering bipartisan support and passage.

In the coming weeks, the media will be advised as Senate Republicans continue to tour the state to help grow the economy and create opportunities for people, by unveiling more new bills in these two remaining categories of the jobs package:

·         Reducing Burdensome Regulations

·         Enhancing Tourism & Agriculture

Here are links to information about the four phases of the new jobs bill package that have already been unveiled:

·         Fostering Innovation

·         Developing New Jersey’s Workforce

·         Lowering Excessive Costs

·         Improving New Jersey’s Economic Development Policies & Programs

Meanwhile, Senate Republicans continue to push other cost-cutting solutions to lower nation-high property taxes; simplify and reduce this state’s tax structure; and make government more efficient and less burdensome.

New Jersey's 16 Senate Republicans serve to make New Jersey the place to live, grow, work, vacation and retire. Follow Senate Republicans on Social Media.

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