Sunday, April 12, 2015

Defend Catholic Teachings In Catholic Colleges!

Here is a very special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

Would you invite your son or daughter to stay in a bedroom with their girlfriend or boyfriend, behind closed doors, until 2 a.m.? 

That's what many Catholic colleges do—with predictable results. Whatever happened to "near occasion of sin"?

We remember! The Cardinal Newman Society has been a longtime advocate of single-sex dorms and keeping bedrooms private. This week we report on the healthy campus environment at Christendom College, Thomas Aquinas College and Wyoming Catholic College and hope others follow.

May God bless Pope Benedict XVI! Following his birthday next week, the Pope Emeritus will celebrate the 10th anniversary of his election on April 19. We spoke to Dr. Marc Guerra, who rightly proclaims Pope Benedict's writings to be important for the survival of faithful Catholic education.

And may God bless Cardinal Versaldi, the Vatican's new prefect for Catholic education! As the Synod on the Family approaches, we are encouraged by the new Prefect's strong defense of marriage and family.

Finally, do you remember how we told you about two Washington, D.C. laws that violate the religious freedom of Catholic schools and colleges? We just learned that, with the deadline approaching for Congress to act, the D.C. Catholic Conference has launched a #FreeSince1791 campaign on Facebook and Twitter. We'll continue to do our part to let Catholics know about the bigotry of our nation's capital against our Catholic beliefs.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Patrick Reilly

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