Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Elizabeth Warren Appears Ready To Run!

Elizabeth Warren is reportedly ready to make the race.

In fact, insiders are now reporting that the Senator from Massachusetts will almost certainly announce that she's jumping into the contest, probably before the onset of summer and perhaps as early as the end of May.

According to reliable sources, several new factors are pushing Warren to make the race:

1) Hillary Clinton's recent stumbles and her vulnerability. Warren's camp reportedly feels that Hillary just may not even be up to making the race after all. And even if she does, they don't see her as a winner. They don't believe she can prevail over the long haul.

2) America's weariness of the same old faces. People want to see new faces, young blood in the fray.

3) Martin O'Malley's growing momentum. The former Governor of Maryland seems up and ready for the race and this is encouraging Warren and her followers. They see a pathway for Warren here.

Those close to Warren say she's never been more ready than she is right now. "She's in top form and has been gaining more and more attention and more and more encouragement every day," one insider says. Another says her "interest in this is as high as I've ever seen it and her enthusiasm is high. She just doesn't want to tip her hand right now because she doesn't want most people to know just yet how ready she is for this and how high her confidence level really is."

True, there is still now only April 1 and there is lots more to do before Warren actually jumps in.

But, Warren apparently knows what she's facing and seems ready. "People ought not underestimate her," cautions a confidante. "She's very strong; very determined; very focused."

For more information on this exclusive story, please click here.

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