Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Help Strengthen Fidelity To Catholic Teaching NOW!

Here is a very special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

Dear Friend,

San Francisco Archbishop Cordileone's been under attack for weeks for his efforts to strengthen Catholic schools.

You can help in the Christian way—with prayer and encouragement!

In just one week, more than 4,000 Catholics have already written notes of support to the Archbishop.  Dare we hope for 10,000?
We need your help to get more letters to Archbishop Cordileone by the deadline Friday.

Ask your friends to write a quick note HERE, and we'll print and deliver it to the Archbishop!

Imagine what this good shepherd will think when he reads this?

"Thank you Archbishop Cordileone for standing up for AUTHENTIC Catholic education and for defending our faith," writes Cary in Louisiana.

"Telling people only what they want to hear is not love.  Thank you for loving enough to risk being hated.  Our Lord did no less," writes Alison in Virginia.

And the Ratnayake family in Wisconsin writes, "Our family prays for you daily."

That's Christian witness: standing with our bishops in defense of the Catholic faith.

And I'm asking your help…

Will you please spread the word and invite others to write a brief note to Archbishop Cordileone?

Our deadline is Friday.  Please send them HERE today!

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