Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Here's How You Can Help Elect Lynne Abraham

Here's a special message from the Lynne Abraham campaign:

Earlier this week, Patrick Kerkstra wrote an article in Philadelphia Magazine calling this race a three-way “tossup.” With just 27 days until the election, we need your help to make sure our campaign takes off and wins this race. Will you donate $150, $250, or $500 to give us the resources we need to spread our message to every voter?

As District Attorney for 19 years and head of Philadelphia’s Redevelopment Authority, Lynne is the only candidate who has the executive experience to lead on day one. And we know that she can win this election.

But winning isn’t going to be easy. The next few weeks are going to be critical and we need an extra boost to make sure we reach every voter before Election Day. Can we count on you to give this campaign a boost by donating today? Click the link below to donate today: 

Our opponents, beholden to the special interests, are trying to buy this election. They are using SuperPACs to spend millions of dollars on the airwaves, while Lynne is campaigning to take on business as usual. That’s why we need your grassroots support to help us spread our message to every voter. Click here now to donate!

Thank you for your ongoing support,
 - Team Lynne 

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