Thursday, April 16, 2015

How Lynne Abraham Will Bring Jobs To Philly

Here is a very special message from Lynne Abraham:

Right now, middle class families are struggling because there aren’t enough good-paying jobs in Philadelphia. Income inequality is growing and we need real solutions to address it. That’s why, earlier this afternoon, I released my jobs plan to create more jobs and better paying jobs in our city. Will you click here and sign my petition to show your support for my plan?

I am the only candidate with a real and specific plan to bring more and better paying jobs to Philadelphia. My plan has real solutions to upgrade our education and job training, revive key commercial corridors, build world-class infrastructure, and ensure a safe, livable city so we bring good-paying jobs to Philadelphia. 

I hope you will read my plan and sign my petition to bring middle class jobs to our city by clicking the link below:

There is nothing more important to our city’s success than creating new good-paying jobs. That’s why my plan will reform City Hall and our tax system to make it easier for startups and small business to come to Philadelphia and to grow in Philadelphia. Click here to read my entire jobs plan and sign my petition to show your support for my plan.

I am the only candidate who has the executive experience to lead on day one. As the District Attorney for 19 years and the head of the Redevelopment Authority, I know how to create jobs. 

But I cannot implement this jobs plan without your support. Click the link below to sign my petition and your signature will send a powerful message: 

Thank you for your support,

- Lynne

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