Friday, April 24, 2015

Lynne Abraham Unveils 'Safe City' Plan

Here is a very special message from the Lynne Abraham campaign:

Earlier today, Lynne released her plan for a safer Philadelphia. As a District Attorney for 19 years, no one understands how to improve public safety in our city better than Lynne. And this plan will keep all of our kids safe and protect every neighborhood. Can we count on you to sign the petition and demonstrate your support for Lynne’s plan? 

Lynne is ready to lead on Day One, and she is the only candidate who has a career in criminal justice and law enforcement. As District Attorney, Lynne cracked down on those who preyed on our children regardless of power or position of influence. She also helped pass a constitutional amendment protecting our kids from having to face eye-to-eye with their attackers in court.

And as Mayor, Lynne will do the same thing she has always done – put our children first. That’s why she put forward a plan to establish an Office for Family Violence that will protect women and children who are subject to poverty, abuse, and domestic violence. Click here to read the plan and sign the petition to support Lynne’s plan!

Thank you for your ongoing support,

- Team Lynne

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