Friday, April 3, 2015

Religious Freedom: The Story Behind The Battle

Sometimes, somebody comes along who simply tells it like it is. That somebody is often Christine Flowers, a regular columnist for the Philadelphia Daily News:

A duck walks into an Indiana bar and asks for a drink. The bartender refuses to serve him. The duck says, "It's that damn religious law, right? You have something against poultry, right? You're such a bigot, you know?"

And the bartender says, "Me, I'm an atheist. It ain't got nothing to do with religion. You just smell foul."

And the duck says, "See, I told ya!"

The above will explain several things, not the least of which is why I was never expected to have a brilliant career in standup comedy. But more importantly, it's an example of what happens when people with preconceived prejudices (and hold off on figuring out which prejudices I'm referring to) think the world is out to get them.

As everyone knows by now, the Indiana legislature passed a law that was signed by the governor (and which may or may not be amended or "fixed") that extended the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to individuals engaged in commerce.

The original federal law, signed into benign existence by none other than that great man of religion, Bill Clinton (I can only imagine the amount of times he yelled out "Holy Jesus!"), was designed to 

Click here now to read the rest of Christine Flowers' column from today's Philadelphia Daily News.

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