Saturday, April 25, 2015

Stand Up Now For Fidelity To Church Teachings!

Here is a special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

The courageous witness for faithful Catholic education continues in San Francisco…

…and we have the full story!  Last week, faithful nuns at Marin Catholic High School in San Francisco made a strong stand for Catholic teaching.  When students arranged an event tied to an LGBT group that supports the redefinition of marriage, the nuns left school grounds until the situation was sorted out.

Dan Guernsey, director of K-12 programs here at the Newman Society, took to the San Francisco Chronicle and Crisis Magazine to explain why this witness is important, especially as Archbishop Cordileone works to strengthen Catholic education.

If you haven't already, you can write a note of thanks and support to Abp. Cordileone on our website.  Your note will be printed and delivered to the Archbishop together with encouraging messages from Catholics nationwide!

Also this week, we reported on eight scandalous commencement speakers and honorees at Catholic colleges, and a plea to Catholic school teachers: Don't let the Patricia Januzzi case in New Jersey keep you from evangelizing the culture!

Don't miss the other stories below.  

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Patrick Reilly


Latest News from Catholic Education Daily:

When a Catholic school teacher is disciplined using a harsh tone in a public debate over a sensitive issue—as happened recently in the controversial case of a New Jersey teacher who was suspended for her Facebook defense of traditional marriage—is there a danger that it could chill teachers' public witness to the faith?

Amid continued attacks on Archbishop Cordileone's defense of Catholic education, opponents in San Francisco have turned their attention to the faithful Dominican sisters at Marin Catholic high school, noted Dr. Dan Guernsey, director of K-12 education programs for The Cardinal Newman Society, in his recent article for Crisis Magazine.

It was a brave decision by faithful nuns at Marin Catholic High School in San Francisco to stand up for Catholic teaching, according to Dr. Dan Guernsey, director of K-12 education programs at The Cardinal Newman Society, in his recent op-ed for the San Francisco Chronicle. This type of witness is the action that teachers in the Archdiocese of San Francisco should be lauding, especially as Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone attempts to fortify the Catholic identity of his schools.

The University of Notre Dame has invited divisive journalist Michael Sean Winters to serve on a panel with Notre Dame President Father John Jenkins, C.S.C., speaking about—of all things—polarization among Catholics in America. 

At least eight Catholic colleges have announced scandalous speakers or honorees at their 2015 commencement ceremonies, according to The Cardinal Newman Society's annual review of college graduations. Many colleges wait to release the names of their honorees and speakers, so it is too soon to know if this represents an improvement over last year's report, which exposed at least 20 scandalous commencement ceremonies.

An online poll posted last week by the San Francisco Chronicle—a strong critic of Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone's efforts to fortify the Catholic identity of San Francisco's Catholic schools—is showing very strong support for the Archbishop's courageous defense of Catholic teaching.

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