Saturday, April 18, 2015

Uphold Catholic Teachings At Catholic Institutions!

Here is a very special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

Why is the University of San Diego snubbing the Vatican?

Last year, the Vatican responded to USD's annual drag show by calling it "scandalous"… but USD decided to ignore the Vatican and hosted its fourth drag show on the first full day in office for San Diego's new bishop.

And it gets worse. Please tell me on Facebook what you think of our shocking report: Of the 65 Catholic college and law school alumni who serve in the U.S. House of Representatives, more than half have voted in favor of abortion.

But in Chile, a Cardinal is taking a strong stand for Catholic identity by banning a dissident professor from teaching theology in a pontifical university.  Details have been sketchy and sometimes inaccurate, so we got the "inside scoop" from a veteran journalist at the Catholic News Agency.

And we also spoke directly to the Cleveland diocese, which continues the wonderful trend of updating teacher contracts to protect the Catholic identity of Catholic schools—a trend that seems only to be controversial in San Francisco! In response to the latest ploy by protesters, our own Dan Guernsey has strong words about "tolerance" in his hometown by the Bay.

And don't miss our reports on why experts say that Catholic liberal arts majors should consider a business career, and read what we think about Wyoming Catholic College's tough decision to forego federal student aid.

Also, please join us in praying for the repose of the soul of Ken Whitehead, a friend of The Cardinal Newman Society and defender of faithful Catholic education.  May God grant him eternal peace and joy!

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Patrick Reilly

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