Thursday, April 9, 2015

Why Lynne Abraham Remains So Compelling

Lynne Abraham is the most authentic candidate in the current Philadelphia mayoral race.
She's the most natural, the most three-dimensional, the brightest and most aware candidate to come along in a very long time.
She'd make a great mayor because she not only loves Philadelphia but she understands the city in a way nobody else can. And, she's a fascinating person: culturally literate, curious, funny, human and personable.
Michael Cavacini recently interviewed Lynne for his blog.
Here's a snippet of that excellent interview about Lynne and her vision for Philadelphia:

In all of your years of public service, what’s been the toughest challenge you’ve ever faced?The toughest challenge you have to face as a public servant is to make sure every day of your life you wake up renewed to do even more than you did the day before. There’s no such thing as the end of a good day and the beginning of a mediocre day. Every day has to be better than the last one. You have to figure out new ways, different ways you can help people and serve the public the way they want to be served. This is done through honest, faithful work. Being interested more in others than you are in yourself, and true service every step of the way.In my judgement, you should never get so full of yourself that you think you’re something special or that this job came from the gods on high. The people elected you to office. You are their public servant. Don’t get too big for your station and think that this is something you’re entitled to. We have seen the arrogance of power, as long as I’ve been around, where people think they are here forever. Where they think they are the most important person on Earth. They’re going to be there as long as you are, so you’ve got to pay attention to them. It’s a lack of humility and an overwhelming sense of hubris and entitlement that is so breathtaking that it’s disgraceful.That’s the biggest thing. To let people know that I’m a servant. That may be something that you saw when I was in your line. I didn’t make demands or throw my weight around. I’m just a customer. I’m a servant. We’re working to serve the public, you and I. You in one way. I in another. But we’re all in the same boat. We’re trying to make sure that the experience for those we serve is beneficial and helpful.

Click here to read the entire interview with Lynne Abraham. You won't be disappointed!

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