Friday, May 8, 2015

Committee Of 70 Sets Pre-Election Events

The Committee of Seventy and our partners are hosting two more events next week at Ladder 15 (1528 Sansom St). Check them out before you go to the polls May 19!

Monday (May 11) - How Philly Works LIVE - Show Me the Money: 2015 Primary Campaign Spending

PACs. Super PACs. "Dark Money." The "millionaire provision" that doubles donation limits. City candidates are facing an uncharted campaign finance landscape this year, and two of Philly's top political journalists -- Tom Ferrick ('s The Next Mayor project) and Holly Otterbein (Philly Mag's  Citified) -- join Seventy and Young Involved Philadelphia Monday (6-7:30 pm) to sort it all out. But you don't have to show us any money: the forum is FREE!

Tuesday (May 12) - Meet and Greet with Local Judicial Candidates

Join Seventy, League of Women VotersPennsylvanians for Modern Courts and our event partners (Asian Pacific American Bar Association of PABarristers Association of PhiladelphiaHispanic Bar Association of PA, and South Asian Bar Association of Philadelphia) to mingle with Philly trial court candidates just one week before Election Day! With more than 40 folks running for Common Pleas Court and 8 for Municipal Court, there are a lot of choices to consider! The event runs from 6 to 8 pm. It's FREE, too!


VOLUNTEER to visit polling places in Districts 2 and 7, both with contested primary races in 2015. Seventy aims to deploy a limited number of field volunteers to answer voters' questions in those districts and help flag problems for the County Board of Elections and District Attorney's Office. Sign up to help voters on May 19!

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