Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Here's How You Can Help Archbishop Cordileone

Here is a special message fro, Catholicvote.org:

The response has been electric! 

Over $25,000 has already been raised by Catholics willing to support Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco.

As I said before, this support fund was specifically created by lay Catholics who support Archbishop Cordileone in his efforts to uphold the values of the Catholic Church in Archdiocesan schools. 

All collected proceeds will be given to the Archdiocese of San Francisco, for the express purpose of assisting the Archbishop with public relations, legal fees, and any other costs directly associated with his efforts. 

If you’d like to help support Archbishop Cordileone, there’s still time -- 

>>> Contribute now at www.catholicvote.org/supportfund/

As you know public relations hatchet man Sam Singer is gearing up to destroy Archbishop Cordileone. He’s already launched several media-based attacks including a public letter calling on Pope Francis to remove Archbishop Cordileone from San Francisco! 

I want the Archbishop to know that we are ready to help him with whatever he needs. 

That’s the whole purpose of the Cordileone Support Fund. The fund was created to help defend the Archbishop against these attacks. I’m so proud that Catholics from all over the country have risen up to defend Archbishop Cordileone. You understand that an attack on this courageous shepherd is really an attack on us all. 

Again, if you would like to help, you can do so here: 

Please continue to pray that this conflict might be resolved in favor of the freedom for the Church to carry out its mission in freedom. 

Thank you again for your generosity. 

For the Church, 

P.S. All gifts to this fund are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. You can also mail your contribution payable to: 

CatholicVote.org Education Fund 
P.O. Box 2709 
Chicago, IL 60690 

***please note on your check ‘Cordileone Support Fund’ 

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