Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Kean Aims To Boost NJ Craft Breweries

New Jersey Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean has introduced a trio of bills to expand opportunities for craft breweries, microbreweries and brew pubs to open, grow and succeed in New Jersey.

Senator Kean’s S-2910 creates a state permit for local breweries to sell their products at community farm markets in municipalities that do not prohibit alcoholic beverages. Permits would be valid for one full year and issuance and renewal can be no more than $75.

“With warm-weather seasons upon us, this legislation provides countless and timely opportunities to help grow the state’s agriculture and tourism economies,” said Kean (R-Union, Somerset, Morris). “It will draw more people to our attractions and eliminate prohibitions that limit how local breweries can develop and expand.”

Senator Kean’s S-2911 allows consumers to enjoy local food at microbreweries, while they visit, take a tour or sample beer.

“There are direct benefits to stripping down regulations and allowing more enjoyable experiences for people who frequent and support New Jersey businesses,” Kean said. “This bill will help New Jersey become and market itself as a more diverse destination state.”

Senator Kean’s S-2912 allows New Jersey brew pubs to annually sell and distribute up to 1,000 barrels of malt alcoholic beverages to state-licensed retailers and retailers licensed in other states.

“This legislation is about providing our residents, small businesses and economy with greater opportunities and tools for success,” Kean said. “Brew pubs are more and more in demand and people should have the option to purchase their products in this state, and we can attract more people from out of state by allowing beer from New Jersey brew pubs to be showcased across the country.”

All three of the above mentioned bills have garnered Democrat sponsorship in the Assembly.

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