Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day: The Day's Real Lives And Faces

The following was posted on Facebook by our high school classmate Joe Evangelista who served in Vietnam. On Memorial Day, it is a fitting and heartfelt reminder of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Thanks, Joe!

This is Danny Petersen reading a letter from home while he was in Viet Nam. On Memorial Day we honor those who gave the last full measure for their country. Danny was killed on Jan 9, 1970 while we were engaged in a major battle against a dug in North Vietnamese Battalion. Danny’s actions that day saved many lives including mine and was awarded a Congressional Medal of Honor. Danny was 20 at the time of his death.

On June 6, 2015, members of Bravo Company, 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry of the 25th Infantry Division will be visiting Danny’s grave site in Netawaka, Kansas. This will be the first time in
45 years many of us have gotten together for a reunion. Some of Danny’s family will be there to welcome us and I am sure shed a few tears. 45 years is a significant amount of time to pass, but all of this will come rushing back like it was yesterday.

We will be honoring all those from our Company who gave their lives in 1969 - 1970, some before I arrived and some after I left country to go back to the world.. These are my brothers who I lost while in country, one after I left but he was one of mine:

Danny J Peterson - 9 January 1970
Mark P. Rudolf - 13 January 1970
Peter R Wiesneifski - 26 February 1970
Dennis W Valusek - 8 June 1970
Gregary A Wilks - 24 October 1970

This Memorial Day weekend while we are having a great party weekend, stop for a moment to remember those who served and are not here today. Stop and remember those who are in harms way today and pray that they make it home to their families and loved one.

We live in a great country and have much to be thankful for....I am thankful Danny Petersen was a brother of mine, he lives in my heart and the hearts of the men of the 3rd Platoon of Bravo Company.

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