Sunday, May 3, 2015

Yes, Our Religious Liberty Really IS Threatened!

Here is a special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

It was an eye-opening moment at the Supreme Court last week!

Considering the impact of "same-sex marriage," Chief Justice John Roberts asked whether "a religious school that has married housing [would] be required to afford such housing to same-sex couples?" And Justice Samuel Alito asked whether a college or university that opposes same-sex marriage could remain tax-exempt?

The truth is, Catholic education could suffer many devastating consequences if marriage is redefined. As I argued this week in my Crisis Magazine article (linked below), Catholic education may be the key battleground for religious freedom.

At least that's what played out in Congress last night. The House passed a resolution to overturn one of D.C.'s unconstitutional laws that would gravely harm Catholic education—but it ignored another, and the Republican leadership was shamefully reluctant to act (see below).

Some Catholics, too, are shamefully reluctant to defend pro-life values. As we reported last week, St. Norbert's College hosted pro-abortion Gloria Steinem. But courageous students responded by hosting pro-life Serrin Foster yesterday.

Take note: Students thinking about business careers should check out the "Catholic Business Career Discernment Day" on May 11. And if you want to help promote awareness of Sacred Liturgy, come to the Sacra Liturgia USA conference on June 1-4. We're proud to co-sponsor both events.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Patrick Reilly
Cardinal Newman Society

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