Thursday, June 25, 2015

AFP Applauds Repeal Vote On Med Tax

Americans for Prosperity, New Jersey's state’s leading advocate for healthcare freedom, is praising seven members of the New Jersey Congressional delegation for supporting repeal of Obamacare’s medical device tax. Repeal of the medical device tax is one of the top priorities of Americans for Prosperity’s Reform America 2015 agenda.
Americans for Prosperity State Director Erica Klemens offered the following statement:
“Obamacare has been devastating to millions of Americans and their families, resulting in many losing their doctor, seeing their premiums soar, or feeling the brunt of its mandates and tax hikes.
“Obamacare’s trail of broken promises is bad enough, but one of the most deeply troubling aspects of the law is the medical device tax. No other country in the world imposes such a tax which makes it more costly for patients to access prosthetics and critical, life saving devices such as heart valves and insulin pumps.
“In addition to these pernicious effects, the medical device tax puts at risk thousands of jobs in this vital health care sector while stifling the kind of innovation that will lead to better care and outcomes for patients in the future.
“Repealing the medical device tax is the morally just action and Americans for Prosperity applauds the seven New Jersey House members for their commonsense vote to do just that.”
The House of Representatives voted last week to repeal the medical device tax in bipartisan fashion, 280-140. The seven members of the New Jersey delegation voting in favor were Representatives Scott Garrett (R-05), Leonard Lance (R-07), Frank LoBiondo (R-02), Chris Smith (R-04), Tom MacArthur (R-03), Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-11) and Donald Norcross (D-01).

Voting in opposition were Representatives Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-12), Frank Pallone (D-06), Bill Pascrell (D-09), Albio Sires (D-08), Donald Payne, Jr (D-10).

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