Friday, June 26, 2015

Christie 'Respectfully Disagrees' On Marriage Ruling

On this one, we once again agree with Governor Christie.
Here is the verbiage:

Well listen, I agree with Justice - Chief Justice Roberts. As you know, that this is something that should be decided by the people and not by, I think he called them, five lawyers. I agree with that, I've said that before as to our Supreme Court. That this is something that shouldn't be decided by a group of lawyers, but should be decided by the people. So I agree with the dissent that Chief Justice Roberts authored today. I think this is something that should be decided by the people of each state and not imposed upon them by a group of lawyers sitting in black robes at the U.S Supreme Court. That being said, those five lawyers get to impose it under our system and so our job is going to be to support the law of the land. And that under the Supreme Court's ruling is now the law of the land, but I don’t agree with the way it's been done. But I take an oath and the same way I've supported and enforced the law here in New Jersey since our Supreme Court made their 7-0 decision on same-sex marriage and I've supported and endorsed that law, I would have to do the same across the country. But I want to be clear, I don’t agree with the way it was done. But it's been done and those of us who take an oath have a responsibility to abide by that oath. 

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