Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Christie: Time For Truth Over Pandering!

Here is a very special message from Governor Chris Christie:

Today, I announced that I am running for President of the United States.

I want to lead a national conversation that rewards truth over pandering, that rewards innovation over the timidity of the status quo, and that honors the power of our history over the fear of failure.

Real leadership means real talk. I want to be your President, because in order to take on the challenges facing our country, it's going to take someone who isn't afraid to speak honestly and tell it like it is.

Mary Pat and I are very excited to hit the campaign trail and meet all of our supporters as we travel across the country. We hope you will be there to support us.

Will you stand with me and our vision for strong leadership by donating $100, $50, or $25 today?

Our journey to the White House begins today, and I hope you'll be part of it.

Chris Christie

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