Friday, June 26, 2015

RNC: Don't Use Ruling To Quash Religious Liberty

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court's ruling on marriage:

“The Supreme Court failed to recognize the states’ constitutional role in setting marriage policy, instead finding a federal role where there is none. In doing so, they have taken power away from the states and from the people to settle the relevant issues for themselves.

“Even though the Supreme Court has spoken with finality, there remains a diversity of opinions about marriage policy—from those celebrating today’s ruling to those concerned about the constitutional balance of power.

“As a Party, we believe in the importance of traditional marriage between a man and a woman and remain committed to finding common ground to champion the family’s role in society. Marriage is critically important to strengthening our country and our communities. Likewise, we will remain champions of religious liberty.Today’s ruling cannot and must not be used to coerce a church or religious institution into performing marriages that their faith does not recognize. We should respect the sincerely held religious views of our fellow citizens, just as we respect those on the winning side of this case.”

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