Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Ten Reasons To Love London!

London is at or near the top of our list for favorite cities, and with good reason.
There are so many fine things about London.
However, in no particular order here are our ten reasons to LOVE London:

1) Those black London taxis. Clean and shiny with wide, high doors for easy entry and exit, they're just remarkably practical.

2) The theater. Yes, we've been to the theater while we're in London. London just wouldn't be London without it.

3) Hyde Park. This spacious, beautiful celebration of all things bright, green and serene is an absolute treasure. One of the world's great urban parks.

4) Mayfair. One of the best-maintained, swankiest parts of town. Great places to stay!

5) The London Eye. You have to take a go-round at least once.

6) The history. It's all around you. Soak it in. And don't forget Churchill's War Rooms

7) The Thames. Take a stroll along this mighty conveyor of  all things British.

8) The Museums. The British Museum, the V&A, the Tates and on and on . . .

9) Those red double-decker buses. They don't merely symbolize London - they actually work!

10) Covent Garden. Shops, restaurants anmd lots of  heritage!

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