Monday, June 29, 2015

THIS Video Says It All . . . Watch it!

A very special message from

If you are anything like me, I know what kind of weekend you just had. 

"Jesus I Trust in You" never meant so much. 

A well-known Catholic priest reported being spat upon after encountering the “pride parade” while walking home in New York. Even big corporations joined in the charade, though I suspect their favorite color in the rainbow is green -- as in profits. 

The widespread euphoric celebration of the Supreme Court’s lawless decision has likewise spawned predictable calls for new attacks on people of faith, religious institutions, and the family. 

So what now? 

I can’t predict the future. Right now we are strategizing with allies. We need to be smart and inventive. I will promise you this: we are not giving up. No way. 

But today I am reminded of the often-quoted words of Blessed Mother Teresa, who said: “God does not require that we be successful, only that we be faithful.” 

What does that mean? 

It means, in part, we should stop fretting about what we cannot control, and devote ourselves with renewed vigor to what we can. No Supreme Court decision can force you to deny your faith, to abandon your family, or to doubt the hope we have in Christ. 

I understand politics, and I’ve looked at the opinion polls. Same sex marriage has surged in popularity, yet recent polls show continued widespread opposition to same-sex ‘marriage.’ A strong majority is opposed to attacks on religious freedom. This fight is far from over. 

Even so, among the young, support for same-sex ‘marriage’ continues to grow. That’s why we produced our video highlighting six young people with the courage to stand up and defend the truth about marriage. 

Since we launched the video, over 25,000 people have watched it every day! 

We’re now running hundreds of thousands of ads on social media targeting millennials. And predictably, the vitriol has been brutal. LGBT activists are insulting and ridiculing the courageous young people that appear in our ad. Meanwhile these same hate-filled activists are shamefully rallying around the hashtag #LoveWins. 

That’s why today I need your help to spread the word among the young. College kids and recent graduates find themselves caught between what they know to be right, and a culture that demands they worship the new god of sexual liberation. 

The future of the Church is with our young people. The Church knows they matter. 

Remember: World Youth Day was started by a Polish boy who lost his mother, who studied for the priesthood in secret, and who saw his land besieged first by Nazis then by Communists. 

His message to the world? 

"Be Not Afraid." 

P.S. If you want to mail a gift, you can do so to the following address: Education Fund, P.O. Box 2709 Chicago, IL 60690

P.P.S. Many of you have also asked if we would pass on a note of encouragement to those who appear in our ad. You can do so via email at or by sending a note to the address above. 

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