Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Booker, Menendez Slammed For ExM Bank Vote

Americans for Prosperity, New Jersey's leading grassroots, free-market group, is slamming New Jersey Senators Cory Booker and Bob Menendez for voting  to revive the Export-Import Bank. 
“Senators Booker and Menendez had an opportunity yesterday to stand with American taxpayers, but instead chose to side with the forces of corporate welfare cronyism with their vote to bring back Ex-Im,” charged Americans for Prosperity State Director Erica Klemens.
“The American people should not be forced to give one more cent to this corrupt institution which costs our economy jobs, puts the American taxpayer at risk of massive bailouts, and unfairly benefits politically-connected big corporations – including many foreign corporations –  at the expense of smaller firms here in the U.S.”
“Over the past two decades, Ex-Im has dished out more than $75 billion to interests in countries like China, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia,” continued Klemens. “Those are dollars which could have provided tax relief to our citizens and small businesses here at home and would have done far more to grow our economy.”
“The Export-Import Bank is big government cronyism at its worst and Sen. Booker and Menendez’ vote was wrong. The American people deserve an economy rooted in fairness and free markets, not the kind of cronyism fueled by institutions like Ex-Im.”

Americans for Prosperity has led the fight against re-authorizing the Export-Impact Bank. AFP’s Key Vote alert on yesterday’s Senate measure can be found here. The pro-taxpayer group is also urging members of the House of Representatives to oppose any legislation which would resurrect Ex-Im.

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