Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Costello Supports Accelerated Medical Cures Pace

Here is a special message from Pennsylvania Congressman Ryan Costello:

Dear Friends,

Too often in Washington, we hear a lot of screaming, shouting and posturing about what one is against, but I'm staying focused on the things I am for. And over the last two weeks, two of my top priorities cleared the House of Representatives.

The first, the 21st Century Cures Act, has an end goal of accelerating the pace of medical cures in America by streamlining the approval process, removing outdated federal regulations, and increasing collaboration in research. It also provides more funding for the National Institute of Health to find cures for rare diseases. It passed with my support and a large bipartisan majority of 344-77.

Additionally, as part of the federal education reauthorization bill, I joined with a Democrat colleague, Suzanne Bonamici of Oregon, to pass an amendment that would help scale back excessive testing in public schools. I've heard from countless teachers, parents, students and administrators about the burden this has created in our classrooms. It aims to reduce federal government mandates in testing and curriculum, and provides more flexibility and discretion to local school districts, parents and teachers. You can read more about it, here. 

As the August District Work period approaches, it means I'll have more time to visit organizations, businesses, and constituents back home in Pennsylvania to listen and learn - what I consider the most important work I can do to be the most effective advocate for you in Congress.

As always I welcome your input and advice. I look forward to hearing from you,

Ryan Costello

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