Friday, July 31, 2015

Don't Be Fooled By That Boy Scout 'Evolution'

The great Christine Flowers has written a wonderful column in today's Philadelphia Daily News and it's been picked up by the Dallas Morning News and other papers. It concerns the Boy Scouts of America's recent decision to allow gay scoutmasters.
Here's an excerpt:
Scouts will now be taught that gender and sexual orientation are fungible things. In other words, their scoutmasters and den mothers no longer have to keep their sexuality in the closet, and can publicize their intimate lives.
Because really, that's what BSA national head Robert Gates meant when he said that gay, and to a lesser extent lesbian, adults will no longer be barred from positions of authority in the organization.
Up until now, gay and lesbian employees of the Scouts were welcome to participate in all activities and at all levels, just so long as they didn't talk about who they were sleeping with. Sexual preference, which had no relevance to the good work of the organization, was an inappropriate topic regardless of orientation. My mother was a Cub Scout den leader for a few years in the 1970s and not once did she start a meeting by handing out juice and cookies while saying, "You know, boys, Mr. Flowers and I have a fulfilling sex life."
Eight-year-olds don't care, 10-year-olds might care, 12-year-olds do care and 14-year-olds are 14-year-olds, but none of them should have to confront the issue of their adult leaders' sexual orientation at the Pinewood Derby.
That's why this whole same-sex crusade to drag the Scouts into the tolerant light of the 21st century is so hypocritical, as are the pious pronouncements from advocates about how "it's for the kids."
No, it's not. As I've been saying for years, ever since the City of, ahem, Brotherly Love bullied the local Cradle of Liberty chapter into either accepting gay Scout leaders (and, as an afterthought, gay children) or vacating the building they'd erected, paid for and maintained for almost a century. The Scouts won that battle, but it was ultimately a Pyrrhic victory once Anthony Kennedy started writing his Harlequin Romance novels, disguised as legitimate legal precedent.

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