Friday, July 31, 2015

'Lone Wolf' Now America's MOST Liberal Governor!

Republican Party of Pennsylvania Communications Director Megan Sweeney released the following statement regarding news that Governor Tom Wolf has been named the most liberal governor in America by research website FindTheBest with research from OnTheIssues. The findings were published on The Huffington Post website.
“Governor Tom Wolf’s extreme liberal agenda is now turning heads on a national level,” Sweeney said. “Since being sworn into office, Governor Tom Wolf’s answer to almost every issue in government is higher taxes, bigger government, and more spending. In just six months, Governor Tom Wolf has proposed higher sales, energy and income taxes, and pushed for new taxes everything from diapers and day care to nursing home care and even caskets. No wonder he scored a 9 out of 10 on the liberal scale when it comes to economic issues.
“This study confirmed what Pennsylvanians have quickly learned over the past six months: Tom Wolf is more concerned about furthering his extreme liberal agenda than practical solutions for our Commonwealth. Thankfully, our record Republican majorities in the state Senate and state House will continue to stand up for Pennsylvania families and against extreme liberals such as Governor Tom Wolf.”

Tom Wolf’s First Six Months: A Far-Left Failure

Fewer Jobs…
Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate has jumped from 5.1% in January 2015 to 5.4% in May 2015.
  • 24,400 new Pennsylvanians are out of work under Governor Tom Wolf. (“Economy at a Glance,” United States Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics) 
Proposed Higher Taxes…
Governor Tom Wolf’s budget proposal called for a 21% increase in the personal income tax and a 10% increase in the sales tax.  (“Proposed Budget: Governor Wolf's Proposed FY 2015-16 General Fund Budget,” PA House Republicans, Accessed 7/23/2015)
The budget proposal expanded the sales tax to include the following items:
Massive New Spending…
Governor Tom Wolf proposed increasing the state budget by an unsustainable $4.8 billion.  This proposed change is greater than all of the budget increases over the past 10 years COMBINED. (“Proposed Budget: Governor Wolf's Proposed FY 2015-16 General Fund Budget,” PA House Republicans, Accessed 7/23/2015)
A Unanimously Rejected Budget…
On June 1, 2015, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives – both Republicans and Democrats -  unanimously rejected Governor Tom Wolf’s budget proposal by a vote of 0-193. (House Bill 283 PN 0282, 6/1/2015)
Meaningful Pension Reform Blocked…
On June 30, 2015, the Pennsylvania General Assembly sent Governor Wolf pension reform legislation to address a combined $53 billion deficit.  The legislation would require new state workers to participate in a 401(k) style pension while preserving the defined-benefit program for existing employees.
Public pensions costs consume 60 cents of every new dollar of state revenues." (Brad Bumsted and Melissa Daniels, "Pa. Legislature approves $29.1B budget; Corbett withholds signature," Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 6/30/2014)

Keeping PA Liquor Laws in the Twentieth Century…

On June 30, 2015 - for the first time in over 80 years - the Pennsylvania General Assembly approved legislation to privatize liquor sales in the Commonwealth.   The legislation would have provided all Pennsylvanians with the same choice and convenience that 48 other states currently enjoy. (HB 466, 6/30/3015)
  • In his message vetoing the liquor privatization legislation, Governor Wolf stated: “It makes bad business sense for the Commonwealth and consumers to sell off an asset, especially before maximizing its value.  During consideration of this legislation, it became abundantly clear that this plan would result in higher prices for consumers.” (Jan Murphy, “Wolf vetoes liquor privatization plan,” Harrisburg Patriot News, 7/2/2015)
13 days after vetoing the liquor proposal, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board increased bottle handling fees by 40% on spirits and 633% on wine; costs that will certainly be passed on to the consumer. (Kari Andren and Brad Bumsted, “Pa. LCB approves bottle fee for new items; will consumers pay more?,” Pittsburgh Tribune Review, 7/15/2015)
Funding For Critical Services Single-Handedly Stopped…
As a result of working for special interests and an extreme liberal ideology, Governor Wolf completely vetoed the following line-items so they have been effectively defunded:

  • Pennsylvania Public Schools
  • Rape Crisis Centers
  • Breast Cancer Screenings
  • Domestic Violence Prevention
  • Veterans Homes
  • Disability Services (“2015-2016 Budget Proposal,” PA House Republicans, Accessed 7/23/2015)

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