Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Maine Governor Endorses Chris Christie!

LePAGE: Most of you know I’m a businessman. And I just like to get things done. I don’t play the political game pretty well. Never have, never will. And I don’t plan to learn. But I do know is I have lived the American Dream like my friend Chris Christie and Mary Pat, who I have great admiration for because of his leadership, for his candor, and for being able to go to a blue state and do what he has done. He’s done a remarkable job for the state of the New Jersey. For the RGA he’s incredible. When all of you and your colleagues around the country had me as a dead walking governor, Chris Christie had faith. Believed in us, came up, supported me whole heartedly- never batted an eye. He’s the first person in America to recognize that Larry Hogan of Maryland was the real deal. And I wish Larry very, very speedy health. He’s going through some tough times right now but he is the real deal. Just like Chris Christie and Mary Pat. It’s amazing – that many of you know that I say it the way I see it. Sometimes I’m overly blunt. I don’t like to mince words, I like to get things done. And that’s the only difference I can see with Chris Christie and I – he’s a little bit shy. I’m going to work with him for the next year.

CHRIS CHRISTIE: Bring me out of my shell

LePAGE: Bring him out of his shell. You know, we met several years ago when I first became Governor in 2010. And he had already been elected Governor. And we all have mentors in our lives. And some can be of all ages – God forbid Christie is just a kid to me. But the mentors inspire you, and they believe in you, and they help you. And that’s what Chris has done for Ann and I. He’s been a great inspiration. He’s done a great job as the Governor of New Jersey. He’s done a superb job for the RGA. I mean he crisscrossed the country in ’14 and set record numbers for Republican governors getting elected. That’s really important. That’s leadership. That’s taking the bull by the horns and moving forward. And that’s why, I today, am endorsing Chris Christie for President of the United States, because I think he’s the real deal. He’s been a governor. He knows what hard decisions are. He’s going to make them. He’s not going to be a politician and talk out of both sides of his mouth. What he is going to do is tell you things you may not want to hear, but you need to hear. And then he is going to go to work to fix it. Ladies and gentlemen, Chris Christie.

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