Friday, July 17, 2015

PLEASE Don't Call It A 'Tragedy'!

Don't call it a tragedy. 
Instead, call it was it is: an atrocity. 
It's an atrocious act by a jihadist; an act fed and perpetrated by radical Islam; an act of terrorism. 
ALL active military should be armed; all responsible retired military should be armed; "gun free" zones must be vastly reduced; selective, targeted profiling must be reintroduced; citizens must be prepared to fight back and we must all contribute to the collection of intelligence. 
We must be on guard. We must be ready to join this larger cause -- everywhere; in every corner of our nation. We are at war right here on our own soil. 
If the President or Vice President or certain governors or mayors or public officials don't understand this, throw them the hell out!

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