Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Group Pushes For 'Right To Work' In NJ

Americans for Prosperity—New Jersey is announcing its participation in National Employee Freedom Week (NEFW)

NEFW works to educate workers of their rights to opt-out of union membership or paying part or all of their union dues. This year, the coalition boasts a record number of 92 organizations across 42 states.

According to the results of a new survey released by the Nevada Policy Research Institute, 37.1 percent of union members and union households in New Jersey are unaware of their rights to rescind their union membership in whole or in part. Nationally, the figure is 39.2 percent.

“Hard-working New Jerseyans should be able to keep more of the money from their paycheck and not be bound to paying high union dues to executives,” maintained Americans for Prosperity State Director Erica Klemens. “It’s difficult enough affording our high property taxes and putting food on the table here in New Jersey.”

“Simply put, workers in New Jersey deserve the freedom to decide whether they want to be in a union or not. Likewise, they should have the freedom to opt-out of having dues taken out of their paycheck to fund union activities they object to,” said Klemens. “AFP is proud to participate in the effort to let workers know what their rights are and that options are available to them.”

Although New Jersey is not a Right-to-Work state, workers can opt-out of union membership by becoming an “agency fee payer.” This status allows workers to retain union representation while opting-out of paying dues which fund any other union activities, including political activities. Workers also have the option of becoming a “religious or conscientious objector.”

Still, New Jersey’s status as a non-Right-to-Work state serves as a barrier for investment and job creation for many businesses, including the likes of growing Bio-Tech company, AgraTech International.

“Our company expects to be in a position to open a new factory and bring 150-300 jobs to the northeast at some point in 2016,” explained Richard DeMarco, a Kinnelon resident who is the President and CEO of the Bio-Tech start-up. “However, the high cost of doing business in New Jersey, as well as it not being a Right-to-Work state are definite impediments which will likely cause my firm to look elsewhere.”

Americans for Prosperity has been a leading advocate for Right-to-Work across the country, including most recently in Missouri where Right-to-Work is five votes shy of becoming reality for “Show Me State” workers.

“Right-to-Work states have seen jumpstarted economies and manufacturing, while stimulating growth in both jobs and wages,” noted Klemens. “If lawmakers are serious about turning the Garden State’s fortunes around, they’ll begin the conversation of adopting Right-to-Work in New Jersey.”

In addition to educating union members about their rights, NEFW also helps them exercise these rights. The NEFW website features an interactive map that includes information on opt-out windows, sample opt-out letters, and information about union alternatives.

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen-leaders committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and intrusiveness of government is the best way to promote individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. For more information, visit www.americansforprosperity.org

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