Friday, September 25, 2015

BOMBSHELL: Boehner To Step Down End Of Next Month

It's now been confirmed that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) will step down as Speaker of the US House of Representatives at the end of next month.
The Speaker has resigned and will leave Congress at the same time.
Speaker Boehner simply did not have the votes in his own party to continue and he was apparently unwilling to make a deal with liberal Democrats to hang on.
This is a big victory for the "oustiders" and conservatives within the GOP and marks a vital turning point in advance of the 2016 elections.
The GOP in the House is now free to pursue a tougher, more aggressive policy against Obamanism and the Dems.
This is a vital turning point -- a tipping point, really. 
Let's see who emerges as the next Speaker of the House.
Thank you Speaker Boehner for your service!

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