Thursday, September 24, 2015

Bucco Bill Will Help Keep Businesses In NJ

The New Jersey Senate has passed Senator Anthony Bucco’s bill instructing the Department of Labor to develop and conduct a survey designed to uncover the reasons why business owners shutter or move their businesses out of state. This vital effort will give lawmakers the tools needed to develop new strategies to make New Jersey more attractive to the nation’s top job creators.

“We simply cannot stand idly by as more and more businesses leave the state, forcing countless hardworking New Jerseyans into unemployment,” Senator Bucco said. “As a small business owner, I have seen first-hand how burdensome regulations, along with the high cost of doing business here, can deliver serious blows to New Jersey employers. This legislation will give lawmakers the answers we need to develop policies that can correct the root causes of job loss, and in turn, make our state more attractive to job creators.”

Senator Bucco’s bill, S-2710, requires the State Department of Labor and Workforce Development to create a comprehensive survey for all New Jersey businesses to explain exactly why they close or move their businesses out of state.  In order to collect the most accurate and candid responses possible, every employer surveyed would remain anonymous.

Results from the written survey, which would be created with input from the state Economic Development Agency, would be compiled into an annual report by the labor commissioner.  The report must be promptly submitted to legislators and published on the department’s website.

“In the last couple of years, we have seen thousands of jobs leave New Jersey, as a result of small businesses and corporate giants, such as Mercedes Benz and Hertz, choosing to move their headquarters to states that are boasting business-friendly policies,” Senator Bucco said. “Too often, these businesses close up shop or execute layoffs without revealing the reasons why so that decision makers can learn from and correct the issues. Passing this legislation will help get us on track to keep and attract employers in New Jersey.”

S-2710 is part of the Senate Republican’s 36-bill package to jumpstart job creation and economic growth without costing taxpayers extra money. Already, 15 of the bills have garnered Senate Democrat sponsorship; 12 have garnered Assembly Democrat sponsorship; the Senate has advanced or fully passed 10 of them and the Assembly has advanced or passed a few of them as well. 

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