Thursday, September 17, 2015

Catholic Environmental Experts Challenge Pope

In anticipation of the Papal Visit to Philadelphia, the Independence Hall Foundation hosted a Constitution Day Press Conference at  Independence Mall, Thursday, September 17, challenging Pope Francis on Global Warming and the Nature of Capitalism.

Conference participants, a majority of whom are Catholic, included WPHT 1210 AM talk show host Dom Giordano as well as experts from the Heartland Institute.

The Heartland Institute (, a Chicago based think tank, promotes public policy based on individual liberty, limited government, and free markets.

In 2012, The Economist called The Heartland Institute "the world's most prominent think tank supporting skepticism about man-made climate change."       

In April, The Heartland Institute led a contingent to Vatican City to ensure Pope Francis was exposed to the latest data and research on the climate, which shows human activity is not causing a climate crisis.

Thursday's presser took direct aim at Laudato Si', the Pontiff's most recent encyclical.

During his visit to America, the Pope will be addressing these issues,along with 
others, as he makes planned trips to Washington DC, New York, and Philadelphia --including a stop at Independence Mall, Saturday, September 26, 4:45 PM.

In holding the conference on Independence Mall, the group sought to bring awareness to the American community-at-large, and Catholics in particular, that the teachings of Pope Francis, outside the spiritual realm, need to be questioned and debated before gaining acceptance.

The Pope is the spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church.  He is not a temporal leader, scientist, or  economist -- and certainly not infallible regarding issues relating to science and the economy.

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