Sunday, September 13, 2015

Judge Panepinto: An Honest, Independent Approach!

Here is a very special message from Judge Paul P. Panepinto:

I am running in this race for Pennsylvania Supreme Court and need your vote on November 3, 2015 because the citizens of PA deserve to have a Justice on the Highest Court who will serve with integrity and dedication. My record as a Judge in the Court of Common Pleas spans twenty-four years, and I have a proven track record of making fair decisions, serving in an administ

rative capacity, and upholding the rule of law with integrity and professionalism. I am an Independent candidate who believes in family values, limited government, and the importance of the Constitution. I follow the rule of law without legislating from the bench.

Being a Judge is an awesome responsibility that requires one to act as a dedicated public servant. The men and women who aspire to these positions should be scrutinized to ensure that they have the experience and qualifications necessary for such an important role. The voters should never serve as an automatic rubber stamp of any and all judicial candidates offered to the public by party endorsement or by political leaders who may have a personal, self-serving agenda.

So, in short, what is my message to you?

Qualifications, experience, and integrity matter. 

Cast your vote according to what your conscience dictates. Study the candidates and the choices before you; examine the credentials of all candidates and ask important questions. 

Do not allow yourself to be sold by a bill of goods by politicians who may have their own selfish interests at heart. Electing qualified judges is not a guessing game. The rulings and decisions made by Judges impact all of our lives, so make your choice based on qualifications, experience, and character. The future well-being of our society depends on it. 

Your vote matters!

I have a long history and record of accomplishments, and I practice what I preach. You can be sure of my record of integrity, loyalty, and dedication to public service and to my oath of office. I hope I can count on your support for November 3, 2015.
Justice Above Politics
Vote for Judge Paul Panepinto
Independent Candidate for PA Supreme Court
Thank you,
Judge Paul P. Panepinto 

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