Thursday, September 17, 2015

Media Kudos To Christie For Debate Performance

Associated Press: “Christie captured the audience when he tweaked both Trump and Fiorina for their back-and-forth over resumes. Fiorina was fired. Trump has declared bankruptcy. Christie said Americans don't care.”
“Rubio and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie elbowed their way into the spotlight, making the most of their time to answer questions.”
“Rubio And Christie Time Well-Served”

The Washington Post: “Winners...Chris Christie: The only one who really stood out was the New Jersey governor who was funny and reasonable...His best moment came when he talked about how he navigated, both personally and professionally, in the aftermath of September 11. Christie showed a glimmer of what many people liked about him way back when.”

CNN: “Winners - Chris Christie...While Bush and Fiorina milked their standout moments from their tiffs with Trump, the New Jersey governor snagged his by using a key moment to make his opponents look narcissistic and portrayed himself the adult in the room….And that's when Christie -- who's been accused of being too moderate -- gave his best performance yet to prove his conservative credentials.”

The Weekly Standard’s Fred Barnes: “Let’s start with the winners: Chris Christie. The debate format worked marvelously for him. He argued with Rand Paul, as he had in the first debate in August, and won again, this time on marijuana legalization. Christie opposes it. He shot down Trump on the feasibility of deporting 11 or 12 million illegal immigrants.”

The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza: “Winners* Chris Christie: Think about the candidates on the fringes of the main debate stage. The only one who really stood out was the New Jersey governor who was funny and reasonable. His best moment came when he talked about how he navigated, both personally and professionally, in the aftermath of September 11. Christie showed a glimmer of what many people liked about him way back when.”

Des Moines Register: “New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie won numerous plaudits from Iowa and national observers for his loose delivery, calm demeanor and determination to remain in the fray.”
“In one strong moment, Christie punctured the ongoing argument as Fiorina and Trump criticized each other's business records. He called such spats “childish” and suggested the candidates on stage talk instead about the concerns of middle-class workers.”

USA Today: “Chris Christie was the strongest moderate candidate on the stage — projecting the best combination of energy, knowledge and likability.”

The Bergen Record’s Charles Stile: “Christie Stands Out By Trying To Stay Above The Fray”
“As the Republican candidates pounced on Donald Trump in a prime-time political street fight Wednesday night, Chris Christie worked to stand out by standing above the fray.”
“Instead, he stuck to his “adult-in-the-room” approach, casting himself as a decisive conservative who tracked down terrorists as the United States attorney for New Jersey and stood up to a “crazy liberal Democratic Legislature” in his five years as governor.”

The Bergen Record’s Melissa Hayes: “Lots of buzz on Facebook about Christie's performance tonight…”

WHO Radio Host: “Christie has muscled his way into this debate… strong performance.”

NBC’s Luke Russert: “Fiorina, Rubio, Christie”

The Daily Caller’s Derek Hunter: “#GOPDebate 1 Carly 2 Christie”

CNBC’s Larry Kudlow: “Besides @JebBush, @CarlyFiorina @marcorubio @GovChristie very good nights. They were winners.

Fox News’ Monica Crowley: “Also with a good night: @marcorubio, @ChrisChristie, @tedcruz”

Fox News’ Bernard Goldberg: “I gave [@JebBush] a B+ and I gave Christie a B+."

CNN’s Ben Ferguson: “The numbers for @ChrisChristie definitely will look better next week.”

Fox News’ Jedediah Bila: “@ChrisChristie had toughness and specifics, thought he had a good performance.”

NBC’s Chuck Todd: “Hard to name one winner. Will break it down this way: Carly, Jeb, Christie, Cruz and Rubio all improved their standing.”

Politico’s Matt Friedman: “Chris Christie turned in a pretty strong performance last night. He got a lot of applause. His final answer was a Google winner. He projected an above-the-fray aura when Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina were bickering.”

Bloomberg: "Chris Christie's Final Debate Answer Was a Google Winner"
“The New Jersey governor finished strong.”

New Hampshire Union Leader: “At one point, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, renowned for his sometimes brusque and bullying style, derided the "childish back-and-forth" and called on the candidates to be more substantive.”

Washington Free Beacon’s Matthew Continetti: “Christie wins opening round”

Breitbart News’ Charlie Spiering: “Christie solid out of the gate”

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