Monday, September 7, 2015

The REAL Meaning Of Work And Labor Day . . .

A special Labor Day message from Philadelphia Archbishop Charles J. Chaput:
Today we celebrate Labor Day. Traditionally, it's a day of rest set aside to celebrate the American worker's contributions to society, but this holiday is much more than that. It's an opportunity to recommit ourselves to promoting and protecting the God-given dignity of everyone.Work is meant to be for the sake of the family. We do not undertake labor for its own sake, but as a way to grow toward lasting and meaningful realities in our lives and communities. Parents are called to be providers and educators to their children, passing down essential values and creating a home environment in which all members of the family can be fully present to one another and grow. Dignity-filled work and the fruits of that labor nourish families, communities, and the common good.This Labor Day and always, let us pray, reflect, and act, seeking to restore our work and relationships to the honored place God has ordained for them. May the Lord give you peace.

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