Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Toomey Holds Big Lead In PA Senate Race

Just two days after Senator Pat Toomey earned the official support of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, a new poll from Harper Polling shows Senator Pat Toomey continuing to hold a double-digit leads over Joe Sestak and Katie McGinty.

In the report released yesterday, Senator Toomey holds a 14 point lead over for former gubernatorial candidate Katie McGinty (48%-34%) and 10 point lead over former Congressman Joe Sestak (47%-37%).

Some other notes from today’s survey:

Incumbent Senator Pat Toomey has a solid favorable image among likely voters (49% favorable, 38% unfavorable).”

“[Senator Toomey’s] image is a net positive among Republicans (65%/25%) and Independent voters (49%/42%).”

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