Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Breakthrough: PA Judicial 'Merit Selection' Advances

Here is a special message from Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts:

The Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee voted 16-11 today to advance House Bill 1336, a constitutional amendment to select statewide appellate court judges through merit selection. 

We are thrilled that legislators on both sides of the aisle came together to move this important issue forward. Pennsylvanians deserve the right to decide whether they want to change the way we choose our judges through a constitutional referendum.

We are so grateful for the hard work of bill sponsors, Representatives Bryan Cutler (R-Peach Bottom) and Madeleine Dean (D- Montgomery). These legislative champions, along with Reform Coalition partners and PMC/PMCAction have been working tirelessly in Harrisburg and across Pennsylvania to garner support for this essential reform. 

This is only the first step in bringing merit selection to the voters. We need your voice and support more than ever as we take the fight for judicial selection reform to the floor of the House. 

Take just 3 minutes and contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and thank them for their support of merit selection of statewide appellate court judges. 

For more information about the specifics of the bill click HERE.

Help PMC and PMCACtion make merit selection a reality in Pennsylvania. 

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