Friday, November 13, 2015

A Real 'Tranquility Base' - And It's A Lot Closer!

Would you believe we needed a place to rest up from all our recent travels?
And for us (with apologies to Apollo 11) there's one place that is truly Tranquility Base.
We're talking about beautiful Hilton Head Island, of course.
We've been at our southern command post here on Hilton Head for the past week at the absolutely enchanting Marriott Grande Ocean Resort at South Forest Beach. What a spectacular week we picked! The weather has been perfect nearly every day and that has given us the opportunity to provide you with some gorgeous photos.
If you've never been to Hilton Head you need to get down to this natural paradise as soon as possible. If you have been here, you need to hurry back.
It's fantastic!
All photos copyright 2016 by Dan Cirucci.

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