Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Big Wins In Kentucky, Houston Terrify Libs!

Here is a special message from

The media are dumbfounded. 

Kentucky Republican Matt Bevin shocked everyone last night with a huge upset win in the Kentucky race for governor. 

Then voters in Houston overwhelmingly rejected a measure pushed by national LGBT groups that would have penalized faith-based groups and businesses -- and allowed men to use women’s restrooms... 

And voters in Ohio by 10-to-1 margin rejected the legalization of marijuana. 

It turns out that social liberalism is not an electoral juggernaut after all. 

Remember Kim Davis? She was the county clerk who said she couldn’t in good conscience sign her name to any marriage license that included couples of the same sex. She requested an accommodation and was ridiculed, even by many Catholics, for standing up for her First Amendment rights. 

Matt Bevin rushed to her defense saying new laws were needed to protect her religious liberty. Bevin said: "I absolutely support her willingness to stand on her First Amendment rights. Without any question I support her.” 

Kentucky voters rewarded Bevin’s courage. Reports today show that his defense of Davis was a huge factor in his victory. Bevin will become only the second Republican elected governor in Kentucky in the last four decades! 

Meanwhile down in Houston dedicated citizens gathered signatures to stop the radical LGBT law. They were dealt setback after setback by a lesbian mayor who demanded copies of sermons from their leaders and refused to even put the issue on the ballot. Finally a unanimous state Supreme Court decision allowed it. 

And last night they won -- 63% opposed vs. 37% in favor. Boom! 

THE LESSON: When citizens and candidates have the courage to fight for what is good and decent -- Americans agree. And we win. 

Not surprisingly the media are pretending as if nothing happened. Just imagine if all of these races and issues went the other way. 

This is big news and you deserve to know what happened. 

We are more energized than ever after watching the victories roll in last night. 

Americans aren’t ready to surrender. 

And neither are we.

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