Monday, November 2, 2015

Christie Touts Success Of Camden County Police

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie this morning in Camden, NJ.

Governor Christie: Camden and the way you are working with your community is a symbol, a model for our country in the middle of a national discussion on how law enforcement should be done in America. 

You are proof positive there doesn’t have to be a divide between police officers and the communities they serve. 

I was talking to Sargent Thornton downstairs before we came up, and one of the things he said to me was that he saw folks riding their bike and jogging in the city of Camden at 9 o’clock at night. Said he’s lived here his whole life he couldn’t imagine that there was going to be a time when people would actually do that. 

Yet because of all the hard work that you’re doing and the work with the community, those types of things are happening. There are places now where before the introduction of this new force response time was two hours. Two hours on average. I was up in the Tactical Center today, where they monitor this on a real-time basis. Response time as of today is two minutes. 

That’s because the technology that we’ve invested in, but just as importantly and even more importantly it’s the community and all of you coming together to make that response time something that any police force in any place in this country could be proud of.

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