Monday, November 16, 2015

Philly HS Students Will Go National

Representatives from the Office for Catechetical Formation of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will lead a local group of 22 high school students to Indianapolis for the 2015 National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC). 

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s contingent will depart on the evening of Wednesday, November 18th.

NCYC is a biennial three-day experience of prayer, community, and empowerment for Catholic teenagers and their adult chaperones. The schedule includes keynote addresses and workshop sessions addressing a wide variety of topics. There are also opportunities for liturgy, reconciliation, prayer and worship, community service, and special activities such as concerts, exhibits, and an interactive thematic park. 

The youth conference takes place in Indianapolis, Indiana, from Thursday, November 19th to Sunday, November 22, 2015.  This year’s theme is “Here I Am Lord/Aquí Estoy Señor.”

For information about the Office for Catechetical Formation please visit  To learn more about the 2015 National Catholic Youth Conference visit

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