Tuesday, November 10, 2015

This Man's Conservative Record Speaks Volumes!

“New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has one of the most impressive records from a conservative standpoint, and it’s a record that deserves more attention from primary voters. What Gov. Christie has accomplished in a deep blue state over the last six years is worth close examination for Republicans looking for a nominee who has proven themself a staunch defender of taxpayers and, just as important, a strong general election candidate.”
- Patrick Gleason, Americans for Tax Reform

Governor Chris Christie Has Brought Unprecedented Conservative Reform To One Of The Bluest States In America:
  • Vetoed More Tax Hikes Than Any Other Governor In Modern American History. Grover Norquist: “Governor Chris Christie has vetoed more tax hikes than any other governor in modern American history … And he made those vetoes stick. Without the Christie governorship, New Jersey would be somewhere between Detroit and Greece.”
  • Holding Discretionary Spending Below 2008 Levels And Six Years With No New Taxes:Governor Christie has held Fiscal Year 2016 discretionary spending $2.3 billion below 2008 levels and has signed six balanced budgets without raising taxes.
  • Nearly 400 Bills Vetoed: Since taking office, Governor Christie has vetoed more legislation passed by the Democrat-controlled legislature than any governor in state history. And not a single veto has been overturned.
  • A More Conservative State Supreme Court: The Governor has successfully added three new Republican justices to the Court despite facing strong opposition in the Democrat-controlled legislature. Today Republicans outnumber Democrats on the court.
  • Vetoing Unnecessary And Excessive Gun Rights Restrictions: Christie has vetoed bills to restrict magazine sizes and add further red tape to the state’s firearm ID processing.
  • Ending New Jersey Participation In The Ineffective Energy Tax RGGI: Christie pulled NJ out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a tax on electricity.
  • Historic Changes To The Nation’s Oldest Tenure Law: Christie’s tenure overhaul requires tenure to be awarded and retained based in part on student achievement.
  • Vetoing Funding For Planned Parenthood Every Year: Each year since taking office, Governor Christie has vetoed $7.5 million for Planned Parenthood.

A Republican Governor In Charge Of A Blue State
  • Democrats Outnumber Republicans By 700,000 Voters In New Jersey
  • Democrats are the majority party in both Houses. In the Senate there are 24 Democrats and 16 Republicans. There are 48 Democrats and 32 Republicans in the General Assembly.
  • New Jersey Hasn’t Elected A Republican To The U.S. Senate In Over 40 Years, The Longest Running Streak Of Any State In The Country
  • Prior To The Christie Administration, A Republican Hadn’t Been Elected Statewide In NJ In 12 Year
  • In 2012, President Obama Carried New Jersey By 17 Percentage Points

Governing as a conservative:
  • Holding Discretionary Spending Below 2008 Levels: Governor Christie has held Fiscal Year 2016 discretionary spending $2.3 billion below 2008 levels.
  • Six Years With No New Taxes: In the eight years before he took office, taxes and fees were been increased 115 times. Since then, Governor Christie has signed six balanced budgets without raising taxes once, and repeatedly vetoed tax increases passed by the Democrat-controlled legislature.
  • Nearly 400 Bills Vetoed: Since taking office, Governor Christie has vetoed more legislation passed by the Democrat-controlled legislature than any governor in state history. And not a single veto has been overturned. Americans for Tax Reform: "Christie's record is unparalleled among 2016 contenders when it comes to killing bad bills."
  • Sweeping Pension And Benefits Reform: Governor Christie signed into law landmark pension and health benefit reform, savings for New Jersey taxpayers over $120 billion.
  • Over 9,400 Fewer State Government Employees: There are more than 9,400 fewer State government employees than when the Governor took office.
  • Cutting Burdensome And Unnecessary Red Tape: On his first day in office Governor Christie initiated a comprehensive review of all government rules and regulations which led to the elimination of over 2,200 pages of onerous and unnecessary regulations.
  • A More Conservative State Supreme Court: The Governor has successfully added three new Republican justices to the Court despite facing strong opposition in the Democrat-controlled legislature. Today Republicans outnumber Democrats on the court.
  • Vetoing Unnecessary And Excessive Gun Rights Restrictions: Christie has vetoed bills to restrict magazine sizes and add further red tape to the state’s firearm ID processing.
  • Ending New Jersey Participation In The Ineffective Energy Tax RGGI: The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative was nothing more than a tax on electricity. Christie pulled NJ out of the scheme in 2011.
State-Based Educational Standards: Common Core is not working on the ground and in our classrooms. Rather than cede increased control to Washington over education, Governor Christie is implementing higher standards that come directly from New Jersey teachers, parents, communities.

Historic Changes To The Nation’s Oldest Tenure Law: Christie passed a sweeping overhaul requiring tenure to be awarded and retained based in part on student achievement. Teachers in Newark have also begun earning raises and bonuses based on evaluations and student progress.

Helping Families Escape Failing School Districts: The Inter-District School Choice Program increased opportunities to escape failing school districts by allowing students to attend a public school outside their district without cost to their parents.

The First Pro-Life Candidate Elected Statewide Since Roe Vs. Wade: Governor Christie: “And when they said it could never be done, now twice – twice, for the first time since Roe vs. Wade, New Jersey has elected a pro-life governor of New Jersey.”

Vetoing Funding For Planned Parenthood Every Year In Office: Each year since taking office, Governor Christie has vetoed $7.5 million for Planned Parenthood and other family planning clinics.

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