Saturday, December 5, 2015

Chris Christie Moving Up In Polls, Gaining Praise

Here's a very special message with lots of good news from the Chris Christie campaign:

After a round of key endorsements this week in New Hampshire, and across the country, there are two new polls out in the last 24 hours and they bring good news for Governor Christie and the campaign. Here is what you need to know:
  • PPP just released a New Hampshire poll which shows Governor Christie has moved up 5 spots in the last six weeks, and he is now in 4th place with 10% support.
  • Governor Christie is in a virtual tie with Senator Rubio and ahead of Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Senator Paul, Governor Bush, and Governor Kasich.
  • Governor Christie's fav/unfav in New Hampshire is 61/22 (+39). He has the best favorability rating of any Republican candidate in New Hampshire.
  • CNN also just released a new national poll which shows Governor Christie now in the top 5 nationally and ahead of Governor Bush, Governor Kasich, Carly Fiorina, and Senator Paul.

On The Ballot-  Also important to note, the Christie team collected over 10,000 petition signatures to get Governor Christie on the Virginia presidential primary ballot. He is now on the ballot in 20 states and counting: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia.
News-  After the events in California, Governor Christie gave a serious speech about understanding the threat of terrorism and the dire need for law enforcement to have every tool available to intervene and prevent attacks from happening both at home and around the world.

“As a nation, we've become complacent and soft and unwilling to do the difficult things that need to be done to do the first thing that any president of the United States must do when he takes his hand off that Bible on January 20th, 2017, and that is to protect the lives and the security of the American people, and that is exactly what I'll do when I take my hand off that bible.”

“All of this study is helping him seem like a more plausible candidate than he once seemed, though it is his assertiveness and pugnacity that serve him especially well in moments of national nervousness. Christie is well-positioned to be the break-glass-in-case-of-emergency candidate—his experience in crisis management (it was his leadership when Hurricane Sandy hit that truly made him a national figure), and his years as a federal prosecutor in post-9/11 New Jersey, have drawn the approving attention of the Manchester Union-Leader, which recently endorsed him; George Will; and other influential Republicans looking for a plausible alternative to Donald Trump.”

Christie is back in Iowa this weekend and then heads back to New Hampshire next week. We are just 59 days away from the Iowa caucuses and 67 days away from the New Hampshire primary.

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