Monday, December 28, 2015

Christie Picks Up Major Iowa Endorsement

As New Jersey Governor  Chris Christie heads back to Iowa for another packed three day trip around the state to continue engaging Iowans in town halls and meet and greets, former Iowa GOP co-chair, Mason City Mayor and State Representative Bill Schickel announced his endorsement.

“I am very impressed with the way Governor Christie is reaching out to and connecting with Iowans. On a personal level, he has demonstrated to me that he is the tested and mature leader that Iowa and our nation needs. There is no substitute for executive experience,” said Schickel. “Governor Christie has a strong record of offering conservative solutions and making tough decision as a former US Attorney and a governor. I am honored to be caucusing for him in Mason City on Monday, February 1 and urge Republican friends in all of our 99 counties across Iowa to do the same.”

“I am honored to receive Bill’s support today as we start another three day visit to Iowa,” said Governor Christie. “Bill’s strong voice in his community, and across the state, will be invaluable on our team as we continue to build support leading up to the caucuses.”

Bill Schickel currently serves on the Mason City City Council. He has previously served as the Republican Party of Iowa’s Co-Chair, and is a former three term State Representative, and former three term Mayor of Mason City.

View Christie's full Iowa leadership team here.

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