Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Did Christie Win The Debate? Many Say 'Yes!'

Many people (including many "experts) feel that last night, New Jersey Governor Governor Chris Christie proved once again that he is the strong and proven leader who has experience actually making decisions and dealing with the consequences to keep America safe. 
As the most mature, tested candidate and the only adult on the stage, they feel he made it clear he was the only one who can take on Hillary Clinton in the general election.

Watch highlights from the debate:

Chris Christie: If Your Eyes Are Glazed Over Like Mine - This Is What It’s Like To Be On The Floor Of The US Senate

Daily Caller - Chris Christie: Obama Is A ‘Feckless Weakling’ [VIDEO]

In case you missed it - here’s what they’re saying:

Hugh Hewitt: “My scoring, delivered on @NewDay w/ @ChrisCuomo and @AlisynCamerota: gold @ChrisChristie silver @JebBush bronze a tie @tedcruz @marcorubio”

Frank Luntz: “Chris Christie won big...I want you to go home understanding that Ted Cruz and Chris Christie were the winners of this debate.”

Politico’s Mike Allen: “Chris Christie was at his best in Vegas, capping off a great month.”

CNN’s Jeff Zeleny: “Chris Christie: In command from start to finish. If voters still value governing experience, he's the one.”

New York Post - Chris Christie Just Made the GOP Race A Lot More Interesting

“So Christie played to his own strengths, talking tough on ISIS and terror while making the key point that the signal responsibility of the president is to keep the citizenry safe.”

Christie also joined CBS This Morning where he reiterated that this election is about the safety and security of the American people.

CBS This Morning - Christie: This Is A New World War And One That Won’t Look Like The Last Two

CHRIS CHRISTIE: ... And I said this in a town hall meeting in New Hampshire last week. The fact is that this is a new World War and one that won’t look like the last two. And this is one where radical Islamist jihadists every day are trying to kill Americans and disrupt and destroy our way of life. If he doesn't understand that we are already in that war, then it's just another example of why he is so unfit to be president of the United States.

On Saturday, Chris Christie heads back to New Hampshire where he will kick off his four day bus tour which will include town halls, local business visits and he will be joined by Governor Paul LePage, Governor Larry Hogan and the whole Christie family. The full bus tour schedule can be found here.

NBC News - Chris Christie and Larry Hogan: A (Wrist)Band of Brothers

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