Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Maybe It's Time For Everybody To Chill, Yes?

A Facebook friend (Robert Howard of Pittsburgh) has come up with the best advice about the whole Trump imbroglio that we've read anywhere.
In fact, we couldn't have said it better ourselves.
So, from Mr. Howard, here it is:
I am seeing too many of my fellow citizens “rolling their eyes” over the Presidential election. It is a little early to get frustrated and upset about the Presidential race 
Don't be exploited by the DNC and their PR operative ---- the daily press. Of course they want you to think the Republican candidates are a disaster and Trump is disqualified. This is coming right from the White House. (Just listen to Josh Earnest yesterday and how well his comments were coordinated with NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, and FOX.) 
To understand Trump better and how he manipulates the press --- read "The Art of the Deal." He pretty much "owns the press" and without Trump many of your friends would not even know there was a Presidential race. Remember there hasn't even been a vote cast and the press is “pissed” because they are not picking the candidate for us via their "fake polling." The press thought by now they would have the field down to Bush / Kasich. 
Trump is showing the field how to manipulate the press. Relax and take a deep breath. Let's see what actual Republican voters think. Gain some prospective and remember that Trump's comments are less offensive than Hillary's actual record or Obama's actual use of the Constitution. Ms. Clinton and President Obama both believe they have the right to silence you for "hate speech" if you call for a halt of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood or the end of late term abortions. This is a true disqualifier. 
So hang in there awhile longer and thank God you are not spending the winter at Valley Forge with General Washington without a warm shower, boots, and gloves. Don’t be a “sunshine patriot.” 
Who do I support? Undecided ---- watching the whole field --- leaning toward two or three. Remember candidate petitioning doesn’t even start in PA until January 26!!!!

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