Wednesday, December 16, 2015

NJ Senate GOP: Save Princeton Battlegrounds

New Jersey State Senator Christopher “Kip” Bateman, a ranking member of the Senate Environment Committee, announced that the committee will hold a public hearing on Monday, to hear testimony on a Princeton construction project that could desecrate one of New Jersey’s most important historical landmarks, as well as the surrounding wetlands and natural resources.

“Today, I am asking the community to help us secure another victory in Princeton by showing support at Monday’s hearing,” Senator Bateman said. “It is unconscionable to even consider construction at the Princeton Battlegrounds. Archaeologists have uncovered Revolutionary War artillery shells in this sacred space. The first Marine lost his life right here on Maxwell’s Field. We cannot, and will not allow this hallowed ground to be irreversibly decimated.”

The Senate Environment Committee Hearing will be held at 10 a.m. Monday in Committee Room 10 on the third floor of the State House Annex. Senator Bateman urged the convening of this hearing to discuss efforts he supports to halt the plans of the Institute of Advanced Study to build 15 housing units on the historic Princeton battlegrounds.

Archeological studies have shown that the land is the site of George Washington’s historic 1777 victory against the British – a battle many consider to be the turning point of the Revolutionary War. Despite an ongoing legal battle to overturn planning board approvals for development, excavation work at the site has already begun, posing an imminent threat to the Princeton Battlegrounds.

“This is a critical moment in our fight to preserve the Battlegrounds, a sacred space that has sadly become one of the most endangered historical landmarks in New Jersey,” Bruce Afran, the attorney for the Princeton Battlefield Society said. “We have found so much evidence that the Battle of Princeton literally happened there. We are grateful for Senator Bateman’s support of our fight to protect this national treasure.”

“The Princeton Battlegrounds are an unparalleled historical and educational resource,” Senator Bateman added. “Once you desecrate this invaluable landmark, there is no turning back. I urge all to join me in our fight to Save the Princeton Battlefield.”

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