Monday, December 14, 2015

No, We Don't Have To Raise Taxes To Do That

Americans for Prosperity, New Jersey's leading advocate for taxpayers, is praising the leadership of Sen. Mike Doherty (R-23) and Sen. Jennifer Beck (R-11) who outlined a seven-year transportation financing plan today which would not require raising the state’s gas tax.

AFP spokesman Mike Proto offered the following statement.

“Americans for Prosperity commends Sen. Doherty and Sen. Beck for taking a courageous and principled stand on this issue today. This is the kind of leadership and action beleaguered New Jersey taxpayers expect from their representatives in the statehouse.

“Sen. Doherty and Sen. Beck have shown that it is possible to meet our transportation challenges without taking more out of the budgets of hard-working New Jersey families and businesses via a regressive gas tax hike. All it takes is a willingness of lawmakers to roll up their sleeves, practice fiscal restraint, and embrace much-needed reforms that will rein in runaway project costs, many of which AFP has already proposed.

“Once again, AFP applauds Sen. Doherty and Sen. Beck for presenting a bold, positive solution on this issue. AFP urges their colleagues in the Legislature to follow their lead and address this problem once and for all without taking the easy road of hiking the state’s gas tax.”


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